About us

The Tribune World was setup to bring you the latest stories and breaking news from around the world. Our team are committed to keeping you up to date, whilst being honest and as objective as possible. We cover a variety of different sectors from polities and entertainment to world events and news stories. We aim to provide accuracy, clarity and a balanced view point.

If you are interested in writing for us, please read the following guidelines:

Submitting a Post

All submissions must be made via email in order to be considered.

Please include in your email;

Your name

A brief outline of your article idea

An author biography

Send to news [@] thetribuneworld [dot] com

We get a lot of emails so be clear and concise. Brevity is appreciated.


First and foremost, you need to ensure your stories are original, accurate and your sources are trustworthy.

Article Length

We welcome long and in-depth articles.

All news stories should be at least 400 words in length.