Being among the top female rappers in the world, Cardi B has admitted that it has never been a walk in the park considering she was once a stripper. Like any other person, she has done things in her past that have sparked different reactions on social media.
Through Instagram Live, Cardi B has come clean about her past life as a stripper. The rapper has stated that she used to drug and rob men who wanted to bed her after work. There have been some individuals questioning her integrity now as a rapper to the extent that a hashtag ‘#SurvivingCardiB’ was started on Social Media. In her defence, she has maintained that it was purely a survival tactic. As a woman and also having come from the street, she claims it was vital for her to take extreme measures to survive. She says nothing was handed to her on a silver plate, but instead, she had to struggle to make her way. Cardi claims she was forced to go with the flow and pretend she actually liked those men so she would steal from them later.
Social media has seen a heated debate concerning Cardi B’s previous comments about her past as a stripper. Some people have been comparing her remarks with some similar comments made by some male artists. The most discussed comment was from the legendary Hip Hop rapper Ric Ross. He claimed he put drugs in a lady’s drink without her knowing to take her home. The outcome of these comments was the loss of endorsement deals which can be tied to his struggling career. From the many posts on Twitter, it is clear that what some people are suggesting is that there is some gender discrimination. The message being passed by these posts is that had a man admitted to such allegations, actions would have been taken against him which is almost similar to what happened to The music legend R. Kelly.
Since Cardi B is the most outspoken celebrity, she had to respond to the above criticism on Twitter. She posted saying she never claimed to be an angel and she has always been from the street. She also added that many fans love these street rappers who do their music the street way but cannot stand her as a female street rapper. This followed her announcement about taking a break from social media, which as we all know is not easy for Cardi B.
It is clear that when Cardi B did this video, she did not expect that much of an uproar on social media. The reactions of her fans towards the video have made her apologise on Instagram. She stated that she did what she did because life did not give her too many choices at that moment.
Shirley Mist has been involved in fashion and design for many years. She has also written extensively for many online publications. She currently writes for The Tribune World and is a valued member of our team.