How to Properly Clean Venetian Blinds

Ordering ventian blinds online is popular because they offer enhanced privacy, light control, as well as timeless style in our houses. Although people usually invest a lot of time and energy in deciding the best colors and materials for the window dressings, the same cannot be said about having a regular cleaning schedule. In many cases, we are uncertain about how often the blinds should be cleaned and the right techniques for keeping the horizontal slats clean. Fortunately, this post will discuss how to light clean and deep clean the blinds and offer guidance on the best ways of cleaning the venetian blinds whether they are aluminum or wooden.

How to Properly Clean Venetian Blinds – Light or Deep Cleaning

The cleaning techniques for venetian blinds vary according to the type of material your blinds are made of. For instance, PVC, synthetic, aluminum, and other waterproof blinds can be cleaned by using a wet cloth and warm water to remove grime and heavy dirt build-up. On the other hand, real wood blinds are usually damaged by water which causes the slats to bend and warp. Therefore, you should ensure minimum contact with water or use a blind cleaned that is designed for wooden blinds. Keep reading to understand more about cleaning venetian blinds.

Regular light cleaning

Venetian blinds that have horizontal slats tend to accumulate more dirt and dust as compared to their vertical counterparts. These blinds should be vacuumed or dusted regularly about every week or so. The intervals between cleaning will depend significantly on where you live – people who live in busy streets and have their windows open usually clean their venetian blinds more often. Generally, it is recommended that you clean your venetian blinds as soon as you begin to see dust accumulating on the blinds or doing other house dusting.

To light clean venetian blinds, begin by using an old sock, feather duster, or a dry cloth. Clean every slays individually from top to bottom and ensure that you clean both sides of the slat. The best way of doing this is by folding the cloth inti half and gripping both sides of the slats. You can also do this by completely closing the venetian blinds and clean every side of the slats. Once you’re done, tilt the slats 180⁰ and complete cleaning the opposite side of the slat.

Also, you can use your vacuum cleaner to eliminate dust from your venetian blinds although a cloth or duster can get to tight spaces like the corded system or headrail more conveniently. If you opt to use the vacuum cleaner, be careful when operating around any wands or cords to prevent shock or damage. Set a low vacuum suction speed and utilize an upholstery brush or upholstery attachment. Without the brush, you could scratch the surfaces of the slats.

How to clean minor stains

It is common for venetian blinds to develop stains. This is even more common if you leave your windows open or the blinds are positioned in high-traffic rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens. To clean such stains, identify the type of venetian blind first. Do not use water to clean the stains if the blind is made of real or faux wood. Instead, find a blinds cleaner that is formulated for cleaning the materials of your venetian blind. If you use water or wrong cleaning products, you could warp or stain the blinds.

If the blinds are made of aluminum or other waterproof materials, then you can mix vinegar and water and use the solution to clean the stains. Moreover, if the blinds have stains at the corded system or headrail, you may use a cotton swab or cotton ball to access the tiny spaces. If the stains become stubborn, use a soft brush in a circular motion to remove the stains.

Deep cleaning for grime and stains

Once in a while, your blinds could need deep cleaning. Deep cleaning involves removing the blinds from their frame which means that the cleaning process is quite lengthier as compared to light cleaning. Fortunately, deep cleaning is recommended only if you spot considerable build-up of grime or when light cleaning won’t work as you would expect them to.

Keep in mind that deep cleaning is only for plastic, aluminum, and other metal blinds because the process involves the use of water. Here is the process of deep cleaning venetian blinds:

  • Prepare the area. You can decide to deep clean blinds outside with the aid of a garden hose or your bathtub.
  • Remove the blinds. Remove the venetian blinds from their frame according to the instructions indicated by the manufacturer.
  • Begin the actual cleaning. Clean every slay individually while paying attention to soap residues that could remain.
  • Allow the venetian blinds to dry.