5 Ways to Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing


The Social Media for Business

Looking for social media marketing tips?

You’re in the right place. Here’s the quick version:

  • Engage with your audience. Social media is about relationships.
  • Post regularly. Consistency keeps you top of mind.
  • Use visuals. Images and videos get attention.
  • Respond fast. Timely interaction builds trust.
  • Track results. Measure to improve.

Social media isn’t just a marketing tool—it’s a must. With almost everyone having a profile on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, businesses can’t afford to ignore this powerful audience growth and engagement channel.

Engaging with your audience on social media not only builds stronger relationships but also your online presence. When done right social media marketing can drive traffic to your website, increase conversions and ultimately boost your revenue.

That’s where Aperture Comms comes in. We help business owners in London increase their online visibility, drive more traffic and compete in the digital space.

Step 1: Create a Plan

A plan is the foundation of social media marketing. Without one you’re just posting into the void. Let’s break it down into 3 simple steps.

Set Your Goals

First things first you need to set your goals. What do you want to achieve with your social media? Here are some examples:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Generate leads
  • Drive website traffic
  • Improve customer engagement

Make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Instead of saying “I want more followers” say “I want to increase my Instagram followers by 20% in the next 3 months”

Choose your platforms

Not all social media platforms are the same.

Social media platforms

Each has its strengths and is suited to different audiences. Here’s a quick summary:

  • LinkedIn: B2B businesses. Share industry expertise, promote job openings and generate leads through paid ads.
  • Facebook: Versatile and widely used. Share various content types and engage with a broad audience.
  • Instagram: Visual storytelling. Share high quality images and short videos to engage a younger audience.
  • Pinterest: Businesses in fashion, home decor and food. It’s all about visual content.

Choose platforms where your target audience is most active. This will focus your efforts.

Content Calendar

A content calendar helps you plan and schedule your social media posts. This saves time and frees up time for other tasks. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Content Planning: Decide what type of content you’ll post. Mix it up with articles, images, videos and polls.
  2. Collaboration: Involve your team in the planning process. Use shared calendars to keep everyone on the same page.
  3. Resource Distribution: Allocate time, budget and personnel efficiently. Make sure you have the tools and people to execute your plan.

A content calendar will keep you organised and help you post consistently which is vital for keeping your audience engaged.

Step 2: Be Consistent

Consistency is key to a strong social media presence. It builds trust and keeps your audience engaged. Let’s break it down how to be consistent in your social media marketing.

Post Regularly

Posting regularly is important. Your audience wants fresh content and delivering it consistently keeps them coming back. Use a social media calendar to plan your posts. This will help you see your content schedule and never miss a posting day.

  • Daily Maintenance: Check your social media daily. Respond to comments and messages promptly. This keeps your audience engaged and shows you care.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Don’t just post for the sake of it. Make sure each post is valuable to your audience.

Ensure Consistent Branding

Your brand should be recognisable across all platforms. This means maintaining a consistent visual brand and brand voice.

  • Visual Brand: Use the same logos, colour schemes and fonts on all your social media profiles. This looks cohesive.
  • Brand Voice: Whether your tone is professional, casual or friendly keep it consistent. This builds a brand personality.

Hashtags are another tool. They increase your content’s visibility and help users find topics they’re interested in.

For example, if you’re an accountant use hashtags like #CPA #taxseason #accounting.

By posting regularly and ensuring consistent branding you build a reliable and recognisable presence. This consistency turns casual browsers into loyal followers.

Step 3: Create Engaging & Interesting Content

Creating engaging content is the core of social media marketing. If your audience isn’t interested they won’t stick around. Let’s get into two ways to make your content stand out: Visual Storytelling and Trending.

Use Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling grabs attention quickly. People are more drawn to images and videos than text. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Images and Videos: High quality images and videos make your posts more attractive. Avoid stock photos. Use real images of your team, products or behind the scenes moments. Simplilearn for example uses visuals to explain complex topics in a simple and effective way.
  • GIFs: These short looping animations can add a fun element to your posts. They’re great for quick tutorials or small wins.
  • Infographics: Infographics are perfect for breaking down data or complex information into easy to digest visuals. They can increase engagement by making your content more shareable.
  • Live Streams: Live videos help you connect with your audience in real time. They’re great for Q&A sessions, product launches or behind the scenes tours.

Pro Tip: Consistency is key. Use same colours, fonts and styles across all visuals to maintain a cohesive brand look.

Leverage Trends

Keeping up with trends helps your content stay relevant and engaging. Here’s how to do it:

  • Current Events: Tie your content to current events or trending topics. This makes your posts timely and relatable. For example a fashion brand can post about the latest season of “Emily in Paris” to connect with fans of the show.
  • Newsjacking: Use breaking news to promote your brand. For instance if there’s a major event in your industry create posts that link your products or services to the news. This shows your brand is in touch with what’s happening in the world.
  • Relevance: Ensure the trends you follow are relevant to your audience. Posting about irrelevant trends confuses your followers and dilutes your brand message.
  • Hashtags: Use trending hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. This can help you reach a broader audience and engage with users who are interested in the same topics.

By using visual storytelling and leveraging trends you can create content that grabs attention and keeps your audience coming back for more.

Step 4: Engage with Your Audience

Actively Engage

Engagement is the core of social media. To supercharge your social media marketing you need to actively engage with your audience. Here’s how:

  • Respond to Comments: When followers comment on your posts reply quickly. This shows you value their input and builds a sense of community. According to Molly Rodin having clear objectives helps prioritise meaningful interactions.
  • Live Streaming: Use live video to interact with your audience in real time. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have live streaming features that can make your brand feel more personal and accessible. This can be a game changer for community building.
  • Create Polls and Quizzes: Polls and quizzes are interactive ways to engage your audience. They can be used to gather feedback, understand preferences and even entertain. Plus they make users take action and increase your engagement rates.

Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach new audiences. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers who are aligned with your brand. Influencers have loyal followers who trust their recommendations. This can boost your brand’s credibility and reach. As Kelly Bean says creating seamless internal processes can improve these collaborations.
  • Nano influencers: Consider working with nano influencers. These influencers have smaller but highly engaged followings. They bring an extra level of authenticity as their followers often see them as more relatable.
  • Authenticity: Authenticity is key in influencer marketing. Choose influencers who genuinely believe in your brand. This means their endorsements will come across as sincere and build trust with their followers.

By engaging with your audience and collaborating with the right influencers you can build a strong interactive community around your brand. This increases your reach and deepens your connection with your followers.

Step 5: Track and Analyse Metrics

To supercharge your social media marketing you need to track and analyse your performance. This helps you know what’s working and what’s not. Let’s get into how to do this.

Use Social Media Tools

Social media analytics tools are your best friends when it comes to tracking performance. Tools like Buffer, HootSuite, BuzzSumo and IFTTT make this process easier by pulling data from multiple platforms into one dashboard.

  • Buffer: Schedules posts and provides engagement and reach analytics.
  • HootSuite: Comprehensive analytics and manage multiple social media accounts in one place.
  • BuzzSumo: Great for finding trending content and seeing how your posts perform.
  • IFTTT: Automates tasks between apps and services saving you time and effort.

Using these tools you can make quick and informed decisions on your social media strategy to optimise engagement.

Measure These Metrics

When tracking your social media performance measure:

  • Reach: How many unique users see your content. This will give you an idea of your content’s visibility.
  • Engagement: Likes, shares, comments and clicks. High engagement means your content is resonating with your audience.
  • Impressions: The total number of times your content is displayed regardless of whether it was clicked or not.
  • Conversions: Actions taken by users that align with your goals, like buying or signing up to a newsletter.

By monitoring these metrics regularly you can make data driven decisions to refine your strategy. For example if you see a post with high impressions but low engagement it means your content is being seen but not compelling enough to prompt interaction.

Tip: Always align your business goals with the relevant metrics. If your goal is to increase conversions focus on tracking and optimising conversion related metrics.

Tracking and analysing metrics can seem overwhelming at first but with the right tools and focus it becomes manageable and super insightful. This step is key to making informed decisions and continuously improving your social media marketing.

Now we’ll answer some social media marketing FAQs.

What are the social media marketing tips?

Goal Setting: Start with clear measurable goals. Use the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based. For example increase your Instagram followers by 20% in 3 months.

Audience Understanding: Know who your audience is. Use surveys, comments and feedback to understand their needs and preferences. This will help you create content they’ll love.

Platform Selection: Choose the right platforms for your audience. For B2B LinkedIn is essential. For a younger audience TikTok or Instagram might be better.

Content Calendar: Plan your posts in advance. A content calendar keeps you organised and ensures consistent posting. It also helps you balance different types of content, images, videos and articles.

Marketing Tools: Use tools like Buffer, Hootsuite and BuzzSumo to schedule posts, track performance and find trending content. This saves time and effort.

What are the 5 steps of social media marketing?

  1. Define: Set clear measurable goals. Whether it’s engagement or website traffic your goals will guide your strategy.
  2. Choose: Select the social media platforms that fit your audience and goals. LinkedIn for professionals, Instagram for visual content etc.
  3. Identify: Know who your audience is. Use data and feedback to know their interests, needs and behaviours.
  4. Connect: Engage with your audience through comments, live streams and polls. Building a community helps to build loyalty and trust.
  5. Optimize and Adjust: Track your performance and adjust your strategy based on analytics. This will keep you effective and relevant.

How do I become a social media marketer?

Skill Development: Learn the basics of social media marketing. Courses and certifications will help you understand the fundamentals.

Work Experience: Get hands on experience by managing social media accounts. Start with your own profiles or volunteer for small businesses.

Qualification: A degree in marketing or a related field is helpful but not necessary. Online courses and certifications will help boost your qualifications.

Networking: Connect with other marketers. Join social media groups, attend webinars and industry events to learn and grow.

Portfolio: Build a portfolio of your work. Include case studies, successful campaigns and metrics to show off your skills and achievements.

By following these steps and learning continuously you can become a social media marketer.

Now let’s get to the good stuff and create content that grabs your audience’s attention.


We’ve covered a lot in 5 easy steps to supercharge your social media marketing. Let’s put it all together and how Aperture Comms can help you achieve your goals.

Aperture Comms creates bespoke social media strategies for your business. Whether you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic or engage with your audience we can help.

Why a Social Media Strategy

A social media strategy is key to online success. It helps you define your goals, choose the right platforms and create a content calendar. So every post, tweet and story is aligned to your brand and meets your audience’s needs.

Audience Engagement

Engaging with your audience is more than just commenting back. It’s about building a community where your followers feel seen and heard. Through live streams, polls and quizzes you can build connection and loyalty.

Performance Analysis

Tracking and measuring metrics is key to understanding your social media performance. Tools like Buffer and Hootsuite will help you measure reach, engagement and conversions. Data driven decision making will help you optimise your strategy.

Continuous Improvement

Social media is always changing and so should your strategy. Update your content, stay on top of algorithm changes and be ready to pivot. Continuous learning and improvement is key to long term success.

By following these steps and working with Aperture Comms you can go from whisper to roar with your social media.

Ready to supercharge your social media marketing?

Get in touch with Aperture Comms today to talk about your social media marketing and start seeing results!
